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SmartSpace Value Model: AI for Efficiency, Growth, and Innovation

Written by | June, 2024

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, generative AI stands out as a transformative force capable of driving significant business value. However, harnessing this power requires a strategic approach that aligns with organisational goals. The SmartSpace Value Model provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and implementing generative AI in the enterprise. Let’s explore the core themes of this model, why they are crucial, and how to apply them effectively.

Understanding the SmartSpace Value Model

The SmartSpace Value Model is structured around three primary drivers—Efficiency, Growth, and Innovation. Each of these drivers contributes to internal organisational values and is supported by different types of AI models tailored to specific use cases.

Efficiency: Enhancing Personal Productivity

Efficiency is the cornerstone of operational excellence. By enhancing personal productivity, organisations can streamline workflows, reduce manual effort, and improve overall performance. For example, using pre-trained AI models for tasks like automated content generation and document summarisation can significantly boost efficiency. Tools like OpenAI's GPT can automate routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value activities. This application of AI in creating and managing content efficiently—whether it’s drafting emails, generating reports, or producing marketing materials—illustrates the practical benefits of enhanced productivity.

Growth: Achieving Operational Excellence

Growth is not just about scaling operations; it’s about refining processes to achieve operational excellence. This involves optimising resource allocation, improving decision-making, and enhancing service delivery. Implementing specialised AI models tailored to specific industries or business functions can play a crucial role here. For instance, AI models designed for finance can predict market trends, while those for healthcare can assist in diagnostic processes. By leveraging AI to provide accurate and timely answers to customer queries, businesses can significantly enhance customer support and satisfaction, driving growth through improved service excellence.

Innovation: Pioneering New Advancements

Innovation is essential for staying competitive in today’s market, and we all know, companies that don't adopt AI will be out performed in every way. Innovation drives the development of new products, services, and business models, enabling organisations to lead rather than follow. Developing bespoke AI models that address unique challenges and opportunities within your organisation can be a game-changer. Custom models can be fine-tuned to deliver specific insights and actionable intelligence. Beyond generating insights, AI can automate decision-making processes and execute complex actions, such as predictive maintenance or personalised marketing campaigns. This application of AI to not only derive insights but also to take concrete actions represents the pinnacle of innovation in the enterprise.

Understanding these themes is crucial before starting to build generative AI solutions in the enterprise. By aligning AI initiatives with the drivers of Efficiency, Growth, and Innovation, organisations can ensure that their AI implementations are not only effective but also aligned with North Star business objectives.

Exploring the Themes in More Detail

While the primary drivers of Efficiency, Growth, and Innovation form the foundation of the SmartSpace Value Model, several other underlying themes are crucial for successfully integrating generative AI into enterprise environments. These themes include Internal Value, Model Type, and Use Case Complexity. Let’s delve deeper into these aspects and understand their importance.

Internal Value: Maximising Organisational Benefits

Internal value in the SmartSpace Value Model is categorised into Personal Productivity and Operational Excellence.

  • Personal Productivity: This involves individual-level improvements that make employees more efficient. AI can handle repetitive tasks, provide instant access to information, and offer personalised insights that help employees work smarter, not harder. For example, AI-powered virtual assistants can schedule meetings, manage emails, and provide real-time data analysis, allowing employees to focus on strategic activities. 

  • Operational Excellence: At the organisational level, AI contributes to streamlined processes, improved resource management, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. By integrating AI into operational (and intelligent) workflows, companies can achieve higher levels of precision and efficiency, and also doing jobs that have typically been manual or have several steps to complete in a workflow. For instance, predictive analytics can optimise supply chain management by forecasting demand and managing inventory levels in real time, thereby reducing costs and improving service levels.

Model Type: Choosing the Right AI for the Job

The type of AI model used—Public Models, Verticalised Models, or Custom Models—plays a critical role in how effectively an organisation can harness AI’s potential.

  • Public Models: These are general-purpose models available off-the-shelf, such as those provided by OpenAI, Hugging Face, and other AI vendors. Public models are typically easy to deploy and can quickly add value for common tasks like content creation, language translation, and basic data analysis. They are ideal for organisations just starting their AI journey or for use cases that do not require domain-specific knowledge.

  • Verticalised Models: These models are tailored to specific industries or business functions. They incorporate industry-specific data and expertise, making them more effective for specialised tasks. For example, in the healthcare sector, verticalised AI models can assist with diagnostics by analysing medical images, while in finance, they can be used to detect fraudulent transactions. By leveraging verticalised models, organisations can achieve greater accuracy and relevance in their AI applications.

  • Custom Models: These bespoke models are designed to meet unique organisational needs and challenges. Custom models are developed in-house or in collaboration with AI experts and are fine-tuned to deliver highly specific insights and actions. They are particularly valuable for organisations with unique processes, proprietary data, or specific strategic goals. For instance, a retail company might develop a custom recommendation engine to offer personalised shopping experiences based on customer behaviour and preferences.

Use Case Complexity: From Simple to Complex Applications

The SmartSpace Value Model also highlights the spectrum of use case complexity, ranging from simple content creation to complex decision-making processes.

  • Content: At the simplest end of the spectrum, AI can be used for generating and managing content. This includes tasks like drafting emails, creating marketing materials, and summarizing documents. These applications are straightforward and provide immediate value by saving time and ensuring consistency.

  • Answers: Moving up the complexity scale, AI can be employed to provide accurate and timely answers to questions. This includes customer service bots that handle inquiries, AI-powered search engines that retrieve relevant information, and decision-support systems that assist employees in making informed choices. These use cases improve efficiency and accuracy in information retrieval and customer interactions.

  • Insights: As complexity increases, AI can be used to derive insights from large datasets. This involves analyzing patterns, trends, and anomalies to provide actionable intelligence. For example, AI can analyze sales data to identify market trends, customer preferences, and potential opportunities for growth. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.

  • Actions: At the most complex end of the spectrum, AI not only provides insights but also takes actions based on those insights. This includes predictive maintenance systems that autonomously schedule repairs before equipment fails, personalised marketing campaigns that automatically adjust based on customer behaviour, and autonomous decision-making systems that manage entire processes, to acting on and being able to autonomously complete multi-step intelligent workflows. These applications represent the pinnacle of AI integration, where the technology not only supports but also enhances and automates key business functions.

By understanding and applying the detailed themes of the SmartSpace Value Model, organisations can strategically harness the power of generative AI. This model provides a structured approach to align AI initiatives with business goals, ensuring that the technology delivers meaningful and sustainable value. Whether aiming to enhance personal productivity, achieve operational excellence, or pioneer new innovations, the SmartSpace Value Model offers a comprehensive roadmap for successful AI integration in the enterprise.

As organisations embark on their AI journey, it is essential to assess their specific needs, choose the right models, and carefully plan for the complexity of their use cases. This thoughtful approach will ensure that generative AI not only meets but exceeds expectations, driving efficiency, growth, and innovation across the enterprise.

Practical Ways to Apply These Themes

  1. Assess Organisational Needs: Before diving into AI implementation, conduct a thorough assessment of your organisational needs and goals. Identify key areas where AI can drive the most value, whether it’s enhancing productivity, achieving operational excellence, or fostering innovation.

  2. Start with Low-Hanging Fruit: Begin with simpler use cases, such as content generation or answering customer queries. These applications are relatively easy to implement and can deliver quick wins that build momentum for more complex projects, while also training your staff to leverage generative ai in the workplace. 

  3. Leverage Existing AI Models: Utilise public and verticalised AI models to address common business needs. These models are often well-documented and supported, reducing the complexity and risk of initial deployments.

  4. Invest in Custom Solutions: For more unique challenges, invest in developing custom AI models. Collaborate with AI experts to fine-tune these models to your specific requirements, ensuring they deliver the desired outcomes.

  5. Focus on Integration: Ensure that AI solutions are well-integrated into existing workflows and systems. This involves seamless data integration, user-friendly interfaces, and robust monitoring and governance mechanisms.

  6. Continuous Improvement: AI implementation is not a one-time project but an ongoing journey. Continuously monitor performance, gather feedback, and refine models to improve accuracy and effectiveness over time.


The SmartSpace Value Model offers a strategic roadmap for leveraging generative AI in the enterprise. By focusing on the key drivers of Efficiency, Growth, and Innovation, organisations can unlock significant value, enhance productivity, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape. Understanding and applying these themes thoughtfully will ensure that your AI initiatives are not only successful but also aligned with your broader business objectives.

Embrace the future of AI with confidence, knowing that a well-structured approach will guide your journey towards operational excellence and innovation.